Venus Project

– In Search of the Enchanted Undersea-Aged Wine –

The elegant woman -Sabrina- × Undersea -Submarine-.
Named SUBRINA, inspired by Venus, a beautiful and dignified woman born from the sea.

"It tastes better when you submerge the liquor in the sea."
It was taught to us by an Okinawan.

The seabed is a place where beautiful fish swim gracefully and ocean currents from far away in Japan mix with the local sea, sometimes giving a sense of calm time flow, and other times reminding us of the wildness of nature.

It is a place where humans cannot control, and we can only leave it to the sea, thus directly feeling the blessings of nature.

Each SUBRINA wine is unique. Each bottle, with its different attachments of marine life and sand that can be said to be proof of its slumber on the seabed, has a faint scent of the sea. When drinking such wine, you feel the story of the sea. When you close your eyes, you should naturally hear the beautiful fish and the sound of the waves.

– To Fulfill a Dream –

Surrounded by the sea, we launched the “Venus Project” to realize the ancient tradition of undersea aging in Japan with our own hands. To create the ideal undersea-aged wine.

After several years of experiments with various alcoholic beverages, including wine, sake, and distilled spirits, many showed different taste changes compared to conventional storage methods. Among them, the most outstanding aged liquor was red wine made from noble varieties that concentrate the fruits.

The project of aging wine undersea seemed reckless. Naturally, there were various obstacles.

Through trial and error and the cooperation of many people, the dream of making this wine was realized.